Wednesday, November 5, 2008

One righteous diggity dog named Plath (dawg is spelled incorrectly, please do not comment as it is not an old woman writing the blog at all homies)

Dickinson, Plath, or Atwood? Who is the better poet? After much deliberation I have discovered that none is better than another because of the variance between their styles, messages, and backgrounds. Though I also have decided that I adore Plath the most. Her style is simply irresistible. The way she uses symbolism and metaphors to present a message through a scenario is phenomenal.

Her down to earth messages and political, social, and philosophical viewpoints are astounding. I nearly agree with her completely in all of her poetry, then again I cannot say that I am completely correct in my interpretation of her words...

Her style is similar to my own in the way she and I choose to write our messages through symbols and metaphors, though she is a far better artist than I. I can also understand how she writes at only a certain time of day, though for my it is only night and I absolutely cannot think anyone is aware of me.

In conclusion, Plath is one righteous diggity dog.

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